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When is Formal Recruitment?


Formal recruitment 2023 will be from September 7th to September 10th. Please check out the recruitment section of our website for more detailed information. 


* If you have any more questions please email or message our social media accounts!

I have class during some of the recruitment events. Can I still join a sorority?


IYes! Contact the house you wish to see individually to set up a time, or contact the Panhellenic council for information on the next available event. This can be done through or @uoft.sororities on instagram. 



I go to UTM or UTSC, can I still join?


YES! We accept students from all three University of Toronto campuses!





How much does it cost to join a sorority?


Each of the seven sororities has a different cost structure for New Members. Most sororities dues are all-inclusive; from formals and semi-formals, workshops, meetings, lifetime subscription to Fraternity magazines, lifetime membership, and more! However, every chapter has different dues so it is important to ask how much your dues are and if they are all inclusive or not. 

What are the GPA requirements to join a sorority at U of T? 


School is our first priority, and sorority life is meant to enhance our university experience, not detract from it. The Panhellenic Council does not require a certain GPA to participate in Recruitment. However, each sorority has their own GPA requirement in order to become a member. On the first day of Recruitment, you will be given a PNM manual outlining the GPA requirement for each sorority. 


Each sorority has study programs to help you with your classes. Every house will have a member who specializes in maintaining the scholarship goals its members.

Is it a big time commitment?


Each sorority has its own set of requirements regarding attendance while still allowing for busy schedules. Though each sorority holds important activities, scholarship and otherwise, they understand that people are busy with school, work, and other commitments. Each house hosts a one hour meeting on Monday night that is mandatory, unless you are excused. Time commitment is something you should discuss with the each sorority while you visit them during recruitment. 

Is there something you have to do to become initiated? 


NO! Initiation is a special, traditional ceremony with your sisters, where you learn what binds your sorority and sisters together. It is illegal in Canada and the United States to make any person, member or not, to do anything he/she does not want to do. If at any time you feel uncomfortable about what you have been asked to do, you have the right to say no, and report it to someone you trust, the sorority's headquarters and/or the police.


To learn about more sorority myths visit the "Break the Stereotype" page on our website"

How do I sign up for Formal Recruitment?


Recruitment sign up can be done online via google form on the panhellenic website under the "Sign Up" page. recruitment, sign up tab.





How do I join a sorority at U of T? 


The University of Toronto Panhellenic Association (UTPA) uses the National Panhellenic Conference process for recruiting new members. This means that all 7 sororities help each other to ensure that all member groups grow. During year you will get the opportunity to meet members of each sorority on campus. 


I attend a university in Toronto, but not U of T. Can I still join one of the sororities?


The sororities at the University of Toronto can only take students from the University of Toronto. Students that attend other colleges or universities in Toronto cannot participate in recruitment or be offered membership to the sororities.

Who do I contact if I have questions about finances? 


Each sorority has members who are in charge of their finances. Since every sorority has different costs, you should inquire while at each sorority house during recruitment events. Every sorority takes finances seriously, so please ask as many questions as you like!











Are there scholarships available from sororities? 


YES! Every sorority offers scholarship money for their members. You can apply for these based on your leadership experience, sorority involvement, financial need and your academic achievements. Scholarships are available for undergraduate study, graduate school and continuing education. Additionally, there is an alumnae group of Panhellenic women in Toronto who also sponsor an annual scholarship.






Why are some faces covered in pictures?


The women with their faces covered in pictures are called Recruitment Counsellors. These are active collegiate members of sororities on our campus who selflessly volunteer to disaffiliate from their sorority for the Formal Recruitment period. This is so Potential New Members (like yourselves) can participate in an unbiased recruitment. You may see their faces covered or blurred in Panhellenic and Chapter photos, videos, or on social media.


Who can I contact if I have more questions about joining? 


The Panhellenic Council will be holding 2 information sessions about recruitment and joining a sorority, the week before recruitment begins. For more information about these events visit the "Sign Up" page on our website!


If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to You can contact us before, during, or after recruitment if you have any questions or concerns about recruitment, sorority life, or joining a sorority!

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