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Academic Programming


Alpha Gamma Delta

How does your chapter promote scholarship and academics?

Our organization recognizes that members are students before anything else. Because of this, academics are a priority for us. Alpha Gamma Delta has a minimum grade point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) for all members in order to remain in Good Standing. Additionally, each chapter must meet the fraternity’s scholarship requirement of having a minimum grade point average of 2.9 (on a 4.0 scale). Members are also always encouraged to study together, especially with sisters who share the same program.

We support all of our members throughout the school year and assist those who are struggling academically. Scholarship Improvement Plans are designed for individual members who need to raise their grade point average and improve their scholastic performance. These plans may include setting academic goals, creating study habits, and midterm progress reports.

Do you have any fun academic programming or study programs?

Our chapter provides fun academic programming throughout the school year. We run multiple academic workshops geared towards student success. They may focus on topics like studying tips and presentation skills. Furthermore, our chapter hosts study sessions with other chapters on campus.

Our Annual Achievement Function is held at the end of each school year to recognize members who have succeeded academically. Awards are presented to members as part of the Marguerite Shepard Initiative, which recognizes those with grade point averages from 3.14 to 4.0. Marguerite Shepard, one of Alpha Gamma Delta’s 11 founders, focused heavily on her studies and fulfilled many academic achievements. Her commitment to academics inspired this Initiative, which serves as the umbrella program for our fraternity's scholastic recognition.

Alpha Omicron Pi

Dedication to scholarship is at the core of Alpha Omicron Pi's ideals. We strive to inspire ambition within each of our sisters, motivating one another to reach our full potential. Collegiates are required to maintain a GPA requirement in order to run for positions on our exec team. In order to encourage strong academic performance while at the same time, reinforcing leadership qualities, scholarships and awards are made available to members with a GPA of 3.0 and above. Awards for highest collegiate GPA and most improved are also handed out each semester. Academic programming also includes scheduled study sessions with fellow Greek organizations, connecting members with similar programs while creating positive relations in the community and workshops each semester regarding academic policies, reinforcing and educating members about standards. Support for sisters struggling with schoolwork is available whether it be through personalized study logs or regular meetings with our Vice President of Academic Development. To encourage positive study habits, a raffle is held at the end of every month for sisters who have attended weekly classes or have received an 80%+ on an assignment/test. We hold information regarding one's academics confidential to the academic committee and take a charismatic approach to academic improvement.

Alpha Phi

Keeping up with your studies and excelling academically may be important, however taking caring of yourself must be a priority! While focusing on academics, we must also remember to keep a healthy social life and make time for YOU. Study dates are a great way to incorporate academics into socializing while also being productive. Agendas can be helpful for organizing and prioritizing tasks which is important for time management. And sleep is super important for cognitive function and feeling refreshed during the day. While all of this is helpful advice, the most important thing to remember is: never sacrifice your mental health for school. Try to find a balance between school and your health, and don’t be afraid to access resources that can help you achieve this balance. Alpha Phi provides resources to achieve this balance. Alpha Phi provides 80 and above jars, academic rewards, scholarships, and study rooms in order to allow chapter members to pursue excellence and maintain wellness and social balance. At Alpha Phi we empower each other to reach for the highest achievements and strive to pursue our personal passions through academics. By pushing each other to be the best we can be, we empower ourselves.

Gamma Phi Beta

In our chapter we promote academics by studying together every day at the library. When any of us goes to study, we post in our house-wide group chat which library/floor or even coffee shop we will work in so that our sisters can join. In addition to that, we have casual and random study nights in our house’s dining room where many in-house and out-of-house sisters get together to have fun study sessions together. We also have a ‘smart cookie’ program, that we run during meetings, as well as a ‘smarty panties’ program, that we run once a semester. For these programs, we submit our marks that we received in essays, exams, quizzes, etc. that are over 75%. On the Mondays that we have meeting, a sister gets randomly selected to receive either a treat (for ‘smart cookie’) or a pair of panties (for ‘smarty panties’) to sign her name in. Additionally, for the upcoming fall 2019 semester, we will be having a joint Academics and Wellness event in which we will have a yoga class with an actual yoga instructor. This will happen sometime before midterms and finals for all of us to recharge our bodies and minds, and get in the mindset to Ace all of our papers, midterms, and finals. A great break from the seemingly never ending studying here at UofT.

Kappa Kappa Gamma

“Joining a sorority in college is a life-changing experience, but garnering an education is the top priority for Kappa. This is why each chapter is expected to maintain academic standards equal to or higher than their university’s or college’s all-sorority GPA. We don’t ask individual members to maintain a certain GPA due to variances in course loads, but each member is expected to contribute to the overall GPA of the chapter.

If a Kappa struggles academically, we help her through it. The Academic Excellence Committee meets with her to craft an improvement plan using study tactics and time management. We want each sister to leave college with what they came for: a degree.

At Beta Psi, we aim to cultivate academic excellence by encouraging and supporting all sisters to achieve their greatest academic potential. Kappa hosts programming events to provide resources about academic and career success offered by the university as well as goal-setting and mental wellness tips. We also have study dates for our sisters to prepare for assignments and exams in a relaxed and supportive environment with snacks provided (of course). In addition, our KKGenius program recognizes members who go above and beyond in their coursework with fun incentives, such as Starbucks gift cards or Victoria’s Secret PINK raffle.

At the end of the year, we host a brunch to award a badge to a member with the highest GPA, pearl dangles to members who maintain a 3.5 GPA and above across 2 semesters, and certificates to all members with a 3.0 GPA and above. Beta Psi also awards a Kay Dignan Memorial Prize to a member with high academic standing who engages in extracurricular activities both inside and outside of the chapter.” – Elizabeth Limanto, Vice President Academic Excellence

Pi Beta Phi

As Pi Phis we prioritize our chapter’s academic success. While we take part in many fun activities as part of our sorority we always keep in mind that we are students first and that our good scholarship is a reflection of our sorority values. One of our 6 core values is personal and intellectual growth and we proudly embody that value daily in our academics. As we are all University students we understand that academics always come first. We always encourage our sisters to devote time to their studies by keeping track of each persons study hours and then rewarding them at the end of each of our terms for their hard work. In addition, in order to even further encourage our members to strive for academic success, we also reward the member who has achieved the highest academic success in our chapter each semester. These small rewards help to increase our drive for success in our studies, and also allow us to celebrate each other's successes. At Pi Phi, we are constantly pushing each other and ourselves to reach our full academic potential, and it excites each and every one of us when we get to witness each others success.

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