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Panhellenic Award Ceremony 2021


The annual Panhellenic Award Ceremony was held this past weekend and it was amazing to see several of our sisters attend in support of our award nominees and recipients! This year's event was virtual due to COVID-19 restrictions however, Panhel made the most of the experience. We are so grateful to have such a strong community. Here are some words from the host of the Panhellenic Award Ceremony and a 2021award recipient on this year's event:

2021 Panhellenic Award Ceremony Host, Sasha Kerr (VP of Programming)

My name is Sasha and I am a first-year social sciences student from Alpha Phi.

On Sunday, March 14, 2021, I had the incredible honour of hosting our 2021 Panhellenic Award Ceremony. It was a beautiful celebration of all the wonderful accomplishments of our seven Panhellenic chapters here at the University of Toronto. Though it was a virtual celebration, participants were able to connect with other women from outside their respective chapters and learn more from one another. It was a true testament to the strength of our Panhellenic community, gathering amidst an ever-changing world to congratulate and support one another. It was a reminder of all the values we strive to embody each day as Panhellenic women. I was one of the many recipients of the Alpha Order recognition award that recognizes sorority women who received a GPA of 3.5 or higher during the fall semester. It was an incredible honour to host, plan, and organize this event for the community. As the Vice President of Programming, my main goal is to continue to build community between our seven chapters here through fun, innovative, and enjoyable events for all. The feedback I received was incredible and everyone has a wonderful time coming together to celebrate the achievements of both individuals and every single chapter.

Congratulations to all the award recipients, every award was so well-deserved. Looking forward to celebrating many more accomplishments in the upcoming months! Sasha

2021 Panhellenic Award Recipient, Ann Marie Elpa

Ann Marie Elpa is a fourth year English and Book and Media Studies major at UofT St George. She was the former Chapter President of AOII, promoting diversity and inclusion in Greek life through her writing, and speaking at AOII’s Leadership Institute last year on her experience as a woman of colour in Greek life. Outside of Greek life, she works at The Toronto Star as a staff reporter focusing on breaking news and human interest stories around the city.

Panhel awards are a time to celebrate each other’s achievements in the name of courage, conviction, equity, and sisterhood. The women of AOII were proud to not only represent their house and wear their letters, but to support friends from other houses and embody Panhellenic Spirit. This is always an exciting time to network and get to know like-minded women in the community but also act as a reminder on why NPC was established in the first place. We must not forget our roots in fighting for equity for all women and using our platforms to better our communities.

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