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Study tips with Panhel

"The members at Alpha Gam take our study routines to a whole new level, with colour coding, labelling, and holding proctored hours. Some study tips we use are keeping an organized calendar and ensuring everything has been scheduled out in advance. Organization is key to creating an excellent study regimen! Colour coding each course and creating a master spreadsheet with due dates is a great way to stay on top of your assignments and schedule your time well. Ensuring that time is used well before assignments can really help take a load of stress off and ensure that everything gets submitted on time. This time of the semester can be increasingly difficult because of midterms and the load of assignments placed on us before reading week. It's also essential to take care of yourself and add a little bit of self-care into your study routine. Sometimes, eating a snack, drinking some water, or even cleaning up your study space can really help you focus and improve productivity. When creating or cleaning up your notes, it really helps to use different colour pens for different subjects, concepts, etc. It allows you to remember where in the course they fit and can even promote better memorization. Another great tip that many of our members use is listening to high-energy music. It can increase productivity and allow you to concentrate on the topic. Another great resource on campus is the old exam repository which allows you to look up the course code and find the exams used in previous years. This really helps when a course is taught by the same professors for a few years because the format can be really accurate. Proctored hours are a super fun way that Alpha Gam studies because it allows us to get together and study in a productive space. It's also really nice because it gives us time to bond and bounce ideas off each other. It's also really helpful when a member has already completed a course or is in it with you, and you can review and compare with each other. School can be super stressful, and midterms can be such a busy time, so please ensure that you are taking care of your mental and physical health!" - Alpha Gamma Delta

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